I'm Just a Traveler Exploring Life...

I'm Just a Traveler Exploring Life...

Saturday, January 30, 2016


So my lovely therapist Rhea has informed me that she's still reading my blog. I suppose this is a new way to do a meeting in today's age. I think it's pretty neat actually; I can write my exact thoughts and emotions and she can get a better glimpse into my complex little mind.

This week I have a little homework to do. I'm still having some issues with anxiety, although not as bad as they were, and I'm supposed to start writing here when I am feeling anxious what the markers are. It's not a bad idea, as it will help me see what triggers I need to work on. At the moment I'm feeling ok so nothing to really report on it now. Just a little heads up in the case that I start whining about why I'm feeling worked up in the future. The more you know!!!!!!!! heh

So I just found this nifty thing online that I'd like to share..... There are actually a few courses offered online from MIT that are free. How awesome is that?! Among the courses are things like Intro to psychology, Creating video games, Learning Italian while cooking, The early universe, and Intro to Quantum physics. I don't have the time to start anything else right now BUT when I do get some spare time I'm all over this. I'm so excited!!! For those who are interested here's the link:


Feel free to check it out. Learning is such an awesome experience. I hate that so much of it in life is unavailable due to cost restrictions.

I wish that there were some sort of group where people could go just to have in-depth conversations, even if it was only online. Unfortunately it's so hard to find a group that doesn't devolve into a haven filled with drama and that really has no real desire to further intellect and discussion. Sometimes I just yearn for that. The greatest compliment I've ever gotten is from a past Professor who told me that I was a 'modern day renaissance person' like DaVinci or Galileo. I was so blown away at that. She wasn't saying it because I am super smart like them (I can only wish!), but because I have the desire to learn about a variety of topics much like they did.

Perhaps in the future I'll find that place. My fingers are crossed. :)

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